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Phorest Academy
Your Day-to-Day
- How do I make an appointment?
- How do I create a repeat appointment?
- How do I check a client in when they arrive for their appointment?
- How can clients check themselves in for their appointment? (PhorestGuest)
- How do I add a break to the Appointment calendar?
- How do I use the Waitlist on the Appointments calendar?
- See all 45 articles
Purchase Screen
- How do I process a walk-in sale?
- How do I process a payment using multiple different payment types?
- How can I put items on hold to be added to a client’s appointment total at checkout?
- How can I generate a Quote for a client?
- How do I add a product to a sale?
- How do I create a new Discount?
- See all 22 articles
Managing Clients
- How do I add a deposit to a client's appointment?
- How do I add a deposit or credit to a client's account?
- How do I refund a client's deposit?
- How do I manually add or remove a deposit/credit to a Client Card without processing it as a payment?
- How do I pay through an Appointment using credit from a client's account?
Phorest Go
Expert Recommendations
Phorest Go How To's
- How do I deduct professional products in PhorestGo?
- What's New and Improved in PhorestGo 2.0
- How do I set up or change my login details for Phorest Go?
- How do I reset or change my password for Phorest Go?
- How do I set up/change a staff member's access in PhorestGo?
- How do I remove a staff member's access from Phorest Go?
- See all 31 articles
Staff Performance
- Staff Goals
- What is Staff Performance (Phorest Go)?
- How do I enable/disable the Staff Performance feature on Phorest Go?
- How do I enable the Staff Performance feature for a staff member on Phorest Go?
- How do I view my team's performance in the Staff Performance feature on Phorest Go?
- How do I see my total figures for all locations/branches in Staff Performance on Phorest Go?
- How do I see My Reviews in PhorestGo?
- See all 10 articles
Ads Manager
- How do I connect Phorest to Facebook and Instagram Ads?
- How do I run ads on Facebook and Instagram through Phorest?
- How does Ads Manager targeting work for businesses with more than one location?
- What are some tips and tricks for running Ads on social media?
- I'm having an issue connecting Phorest to Facebook & Instagram Ads
- I'm having an issue when I try to run an Ad on Facebook or Instagram
SMS & Email Marketing
- How do I set up a recurring email campaign based on client booking history?
- How do I create and send an SMS campaign?
- How do I create and send an email campaign?
- How do I filter my SMS/Email campaigns to only send to certain clients?
- How can I schedule an Email or SMS to be sent at a later date?
- Where can I see how well my email/SMS campaign is performing? (Marketing Performance Analytics)
- See all 23 articles
Client Reconnect
Online Reputation
Digital Loyalty & TreatCard
- How can I set up a Referral program for my clients?
- Overview of the TreatCard
- How do I set up TreatCard Rewards?
- How do I set the TreatCard points awarded for an individual Service or Product?
- How do I give a TreatCard to a new client?
- How can clients view and redeem their TreatCard points online? (Digital TreatCard)
- See all 19 articles
- PhorestPay Card Terminal
- PhorestTips
- Self Employed Staff and PhorestPay
- In-House Deposits with PhorestPay
- Cardless Checkout with PhorestPay
- Online Deposits with PhorestPay
- How do I set up a PhorestPay account?
- How do I change my PhorestPay account details?
- How can I check the status of a PhorestPay transaction?
- How do I check the history of my payouts from PhorestPay? (PhorestPay Dashboard)
- When should I expect PhorestPay transactions to reach my bank account?
- How much does each PhorestPay feature cost?
- See all 15 articles
- How do I update my business details in Phorest or on the Branded App?
- How do I open or close my appointment calendar for bookings on specific dates?
- How do I view my business details, address....
- How do I set my business opening hours?
- Where can I find my Phorest Account number?
- How can I export sales transaction information to CSV?
- Phorest Settings Overview
- How do I take Phorest out of Full Screen Mode?
- How do I set Phorest to automatically log out after a certain amount of idle time?
- How do I remove Client Gender from Phorest?
- How do I add a new Room or Machine?
- How can I get Departments to show on my Appointments calendar screen?
- See all 12 articles
Phorest Chat
Client SMS and Email Notifications
- How can I set up a Welcome Email for new clients?
- How do I set up an automatic appointment Reminder email?
- How do I add my logo to some of my automated emails?
- How do I set up an automatic appointment Reminder SMS?
- How do I manually send a client their appointment Reminder SMS ahead of the scheduled time?
- How do I set up an automatic appointment Confirmation Email/SMS?
- See all 14 articles
Services and Packages
- How do I add a new/edit an existing service?
- How do I set different Service prices for each of my staff levels?
- How do I set different Service durations for staff members?
- How do I set different prices for a Service in each of my locations? (Multi-branch Business)
- How do I add a service from one location to another? (Multibranch)
- How do I allow for color development time between a color & finish?
- See all 17 articles
Online Store
- What is the Online Store and how do I set it up?
- Online Store FAQs
- How do I link my Online Store to my website?
- How do I add/remove products in my online store?
- How do I customize products in my Online Store?
- Why can't I Auto-Fill images and descriptions for some products in my Online Store?
- See all 22 articles
- Can clients book Series/Course sessions online?
- How do I add a new Course/Series of services?
- How do I manually add a client's Course/Series that wasn't sold in Phorest?
- How do I sell a Course/Series to a client?
- How do I book/check out a client that has a Course/Series session?
- How do I change the price of a Course/Series?
- See all 14 articles
Special Offers
- How do I add a new product into Phorest?
- How do I add a Supplier and assign a Brand(s) to them?
- How do I add a new Brand to my Inventory/Stock screen?
- How do I remove duplicate Brand names from my list of products?
- How do I create an order of products to send to my supplier?
- What do the different colors mean on the Inventory/Stock screen?
- See all 21 articles
Staff Members
- How do I add a new staff member?
- How do I remove a staff member from Phorest?
- How do I set which services a staff member can be booked for?
- How do I hide a staff member/staff column from the Appointments calendar?
- How do I add a staff profile picture?
- How do I assign a staff member to a Department?
- See all 15 articles
Staff Rosters
- How do I schedule a staff member's shift on the Staff Roster?
- How do I schedule time off for a Staff Member?
- How do I edit a a staff members shift start or end time on their roster?
- How do I view the staff schedule by month view?
- How do I schedule multiple staff at once on the Staff Roster?
- How do I print my staff roster/schedule?
- See all 10 articles
- Additional Reports Explained
- Partner Reports
- How do I run Payroll Reports?
- What is the Insights dashboard and how do I use it?
- How do I use the Reports dashboard?
- How do I give a staff member access to only certain reports?
- How is the Rebooking Rate calculated?
- What is the Health Check Dashboard and how does it work?
- See all 12 articles
Cash Up
- How do I cash up at the end of each day?
- How do I fix the balance of my End Of Day Cash Up?
- How do I view/print an End of Day (EOD)/Cash Up report?
- How can I open my Cash Drawer/Till without processing a sale?
- How do I edit the Till Float/Register Bank?
- How to do I use the Advanced Cash Up / Cash Out? (EOD)
Gift Cards/Vouchers
- Online Gift Cards
- How do I refund a sale to a gift card?
- How do I refund or partially refund a Gift Card/Voucher?
- How do I use more than one Gift Card/Voucher as payment in a sale?
- How do I create a complimentary Gift Card/Voucher for a client?
- How do I send a Gift Card/Voucher to a client via email?
- How do I manually change the remaining balance on a client's Gift Card/Voucher?
- See all 11 articles
Chain Library
- How do I add a Series/Course from one of my locations to another?
- How can I transfer products from one location to another? (Inventory/Stock Transfer)
- How do I add a Product to multiple locations?
- How do I create a Package for multiple locations?
- How can I hide clients from other locations when booking an appointment? (Chain Settings)
- How do I add a Staff Member to another location?
- See all 7 articles
Online Booking
Online Booking Setup
- Google Analytics
- Facebook & Instagram
- How do I set up Online Booking on my website?
- How can I add my logo to my Online Booking page?
- How do I add a Book Online button to my Google Business profile? (Reserve with Google)
- Online Booking Set Up Checklist
- Where can I get my Online Booking Link/URL?
- How do I change the color of my online booking menu and the floating Book Now widget?
- See all 10 articles
Online Booking Settings
- How do I limit staff choices for new clients in online booking?
- How can I limit how far in advance bookings can be made online?
- How do I enable or disable Online Booking?
- How do I show or hide a service on my Online Booking?
- How do I hide a staff member from Online Booking?
- What do each of the Online Booking settings do?
- See all 22 articles
Online Booking Promotion
Online Booking FAQs
- Overview of Online Booking
- How do clients make a booking in my Online Booking system?
- What notifications are sent when a client makes, cancels, or reschedules an appointment online?
- How can clients pay their online booking deposit with a Voucher/Gift Card?
- Why are my staff not showing availability in Online Booking?
- Online Booking Fee FAQ
- See all 8 articles
Consultation Forms & Video Consultations
Consultation Forms
- How can I make a field mandatory on a Consultation Form or Treatment Plan?
- How can I use Dot Phrasing to improve patient documentation?
- Overview of Digital Consultation Forms
- How do I create a customizable Digital Consultation Form?
- How do I send a Consultation Form to a client to fill out before their appointment?
- How do I schedule Consultation Forms to send to clients automatically?
- See all 17 articles
Video Consultations
- How do I set up Video Consultations?
- How do I create online services for Video Consultations?
- How do I set up and use a Zoom account with Phorest?
- How do I turn on my Video Consultation notifications?
- What does the email for Video Consultations look like when clients receive it after booking?
- How do I turn on the Zoom Waiting Room?
Smart Client Card
Salon Branded App
Salon Branded App FAQs
Salon Branded App Setup
- Overview of the Salon Branded App Setup
- How to release your Salon Branded App
- Where can I find a link to download or promote my Salon Branded App?
- How do I customize my Salon Branded App?
- How do I add photos to the Gallery on my Salon Branded App?
- Apple Developer Enrollment (iOS Salon Branded App Setup)
Integrations & Phorest API
Phorest Finances
Phorest Finances
Phorest Setup
- How do I generate a new Phorest license key?
- What are the minimum system requirements for Phorest and Phorest Go?
- How do I download and install Phorest on a new computer?
- How do I send a Phorest license key to someone else?
- How do I give a staff member Access to generate a License Key?
- What changes are in the latest version of Phorest? (Version Changelog)
- See all 11 articles
Receipt Printer & Cashdrawer Setup
- How do I connect a barcode scanner to Phorest?
- How do I fix No Till Configured message in Phorest?
- How to set up a ZanPrint ZN890 Receipt Printer (on a Windows Computer)
- How to set up a Star TSP100iii receipt printer on a Mac computer (Wireless)
- How to set up a Star TSP100 receipt printer on a Windows computer
- How to set up a Star TSP100 receipt printer on a Mac computer (USB/Wired)
- See all 9 articles
Data Privacy Compliancy
- How do I suggest new features or improvements to Phorest (Make a Suggestion)?
- Is it possible to access Phorest through my web browser?
- Getting connected remotely with Phorest Support
- What exceptions do I need to add for Phorest on a restricted PC/Network?
- How and where is my data stored with Phorest?
- How do I copy and paste information into Phorest?
- See all 14 articles