Where can I get my Online Booking Link/URL?

This article will show you where to find the link to your Phorest Online Booking page.

Go to Manager > Settings > Online, then click the Copy Link button beside Online booking direct link.


Once you have your link copied, you can paste the link by pressing Ctrl+V on your keyboard if you are on a Windows computer or Cmd+V if you are on a Mac computer.

Your Phorest Subdomain

If you are looking to add the floating 'Book Now' button/widget on your website you'll need your Phorest subdomain, which can be found at the end of your Online Booking link after /salons/

For example, phorestsalon is the subdomain in the following Online Booking link https://www.phorest.com/salon/phorestsalon

Check out this guide for more information on the code to add the floating Book Now widget to your website.

Multiple Locations in Phorest?

If you have multiple locations in Phorest, you will also have a 'Location' link, pointing clients to a page allowing them to choose a location before booking.

That link can be retrieved by using the method above to find your Phorest Subdomain, then adding that subdomain to the link below, replacing subdomainhere with your subdomain. The subdomain from any of your locations will work.


The location selector page looks like this:


'Book Now' Booking Widget

If you're interested in adding the Book Now booking widget to your online booking page, check out this guide.

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