How do I get a direct online booking link for a service or a product?

This article will show you how to find an online booking link that points directly to a specific service or product.

Direct Link for a Service

Go to Manager Services > Single-click on the name of the service > Online & App > You will find the direct link under Booking Link.


  Multiple locations in Phorest?

If you have more than one location in your Phorest system, you will need to go to Manager Services > Single-click on the name of the service, click the Branches tab, and then click the name of a location.


Direct Link for a Service Category

While it's not currently possible to copy the link from the Service Categories screen in Phorest, you can access the link to a category.

Below is the URL structure for a Service Category. You will need to replace 'yourphorestdomain' with your own Phorest domain and the 'categoryID' with the Service Category ID.

Getting the Service Category ID

To get the Service Category ID, first, open and sign into Phorest in your browser using the same login details you use to access PhorestGo.

Once you're logged in, go to ManagerCategoriesService Categories > Click the name of the category you wish to get the link for. The Service Category ID will be at the end of the URL for this page, just before '/details'

Direct Link for a Product

Go to ManagerOnline Store, then click the Copy Link button.


Direct Link for a Package

Go to ManagerServicesPackages


Click on a Package > Scroll down and copy the Link to the Package in the Booking online section.

Direct Link for a Special Offer

Go to ManagerSpecial Offers > Click on a Special Offer > Scroll down and copy the Link to the Special Offer in the Booking online section.

It is not currently possible to get an online booking link for a Product Special Offer

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