This article will guide you through each step you should take in order to make sure your Phorest online booking system is set up exactly the way you want it.  

Video Guide

Step-by-Step Guides:

Checking your Services

Go to Manager > Services, and click the name of a service to edit it and check its settings. We recommend you check the following information to make sure everything is set correctly.

In the Details section:

  • Development Time: Make sure all your information is correct including any services that require a Development Time (e.g. Hair Color services).
  • Price Levels: If you have prices that vary per each of your staff members, click the Set Levels button to check your price levels. 
  • Patch Test: If a patch test is required for the service, make sure to set this to yes.

In the Online & App section:

  • Information: Set a service description in this section, including details about the service, and what is provided.
  • Available Online: Set this to Yes if the service should be bookable online or No if not.
  • Include "From": Setting this to yes will cause the price to include the word "From" at the beginning in your online booking menu. If you have Price Levels set on a service, this happens automatically.

Checking your Staff Members

Go to Manager > Staff Members and click on the name of each staff member to edit them and check their settings.

  • Use the +Add a photo button at the top of the screen to add a profile picture.
  • Click Settings on the left, and choose whether a staff member should appear or be hidden from Online Booking under the Show on Online Bookings setting.
  • Click App profile to add a short bio for each of your staff members.

Checking your Resources (Rooms & Machines).

Rooms and Machines can be created and used in order to avoid double-bookings, where you only have a limited number of rooms/machines to be used with a service at any one time.

For more information about creating rooms & machines, check out this guide.

Checking your Settings (Cancellation period, patch test period etc.)

You can customize your booking slot availability, cancellation period, short notice period, and much more in your Online settings section.

To access this section, go to Manager > Settings > Online > Booking Rules.

For more detailed information on each of these settings, check out this guide.

Customize your Online Booking Appearance

You can customize the look of your Online Booking Brand color and floating Book Now website button (widget) by going to Manager > Settings > Online > Online BookingAppearance.

You can also enable the Announcement Banner option, in order to have a constant message/disclaimer sitting at the top of your online booking page.

Adding the Booking Widget to your Website

Check out this guide to learn how to add Phorest Online Booking to your website.

Link to your Facebook & Instagram Pages

Check out this guide to learn how to add Phorest Online Booking to your Facebook & Instagram pages.

Marketing Your Online Booking

You can use the Phorest marketing suite to promote your online booking launch. Check out this guide to learn how to send an email marketing campaign to your clients.

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