What's New and Improved in PhorestGo 2.0

This article will discuss the key differences between PhorestGo and PhorestGo 2.0, including new features and improvements.

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There are many changes in PhorestGo 2.0, including performance improvements, brand-new features, and improvements to already existing features. This article will go into detail on the most notable changes in the new PhorestGo 2.0 app.

Feature Consistency Between Apple iOS and Android Devices

In the previous version of PhorestGo, there were some features that existed on iOS devices that weren't available on Android devices. Some examples include:


With PhorestGo 2.0, the features are the same regardless of whether you're using an Apple or an Android device.

Brand New Date Navigator and Improved Calendar View

With the original PhorestGo, you could only navigate dates week-by-week and you had very limited calendar view options.

With PhorestGo 2.0, you can now quickly jump ahead by weeks or months or to a specific date. Each team member in your business can also filter their Calendar view mode exactly how they want it.

You can:

  • Change the default calendar view to either My view or Team view
  • When in My view you can set the calendar to display by 1 day, 3 days, or a Week view.
  • When in Team view, you can set how many people appear on screen by default.
  • Choose to always show your column first.
  • Choose to show all staff or show only rostered staff, which means staff will only show if they're scheduled to work that day.


Date Picker.png   My View Calendar Settings.png   Team Calendar Settings.png


Appointment Icons on the Calendar Screen

You now enable appointment icons, allowing you to see if an appointment was booked online, if it's with the client's preferred staff member, whether it's a new client or not, and more! 

To enable icons, go to your calendar Settings   , go to Icons, then tap the Show icons option.


If you only want to see some icons, you can tap    beside an icon to hide it from your calendar.

A Time Bar to Display the Current Time

Custom Break Durations

You can now select Other when creating a break, allowing you to specify a break duration rather than just having presets to choose from.

Breaks can also now be created outside of a staff member's rostered hours.

Confirm an Appointment

You can now Confirm an appointment in PhorestGo 2.0


Rebook an Appointment

You can now rebook a client's future appointment using PhorestGo 2.0.

If a client doesn't have a future appointment, you will see a prompt to rebook them after they pay.

Tap Rebook this appointment, then use the date picker to jump forward +4, +6 or +8 weeks (or choose a specific date), then tap on the timeslot where you want to create the new appointment.


You can also rebook by tapping an appointment > tap More options Rebook.

Custom Fees

You can now add a Custom Fee to a sale in PhorestGo 2.0.

To add a Custom Fee to a sale, tap Add item to cart from the checkout Summary screen > Add custom fee.

If you have your Custom Fee set to apply automatically, then it will automatically be added to the sale at checkout.

Improvements to Cash Up

When cashing up on PhorestGo 2.0, you will now see a list of cash ups from dates in the past, whereas previously you could only view and edit today's cash up.

The Share button on the cash up report has also been improved. You can now share the report using your phone/tablet's normal sharing options (e.g. via the messaging app you use).

The Share button may look different depending on your device. On some devices it may appear as a more options    icon, which would then be followed by pressing Send file.

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