How do I reset or change my password for Phorest Go?

This article shows you how to reset your already existing Phorest Go password. If you haven't set up your Phorest Go account/login yet, check out this guide to find out how

Using the Forgot Password Link (PhorestGo 2.0)

  PhorestGo 2.0 Required

Download the new version of Phorest, PhorestGo 2.0, on your smart device using one of the links below, or search PhorestGo 2.0 in your app store.

    iOS Store (iPhone or iPad)
  Google Play Store (Android device)

Reset your PhorestGo 2.0 password by tapping Forgot password? and entering your email. You'll receive an email with a link to reset your password.

Not sure which email to use? Check your staff profile in Phorest on a computer under Manager > Staff Members.

Changing Your Password Using Phorest on a Computer

To change your password, open Phorest on a computer > Go to Manager > Staff Members > Single-click your name in the Staff list to access your profile.


Edit the Password field near the bottom to change your password, then click Save when you're done.


You do not need to know your old password to edit the Password field.

The Email address on your Staff Profile is the email you use to log in to Phorest Go. If you want to change the email address you use to log into Phorest Go, edit the Email field in your profile to your desired email address and click Save.

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