How do I customize products in my Online Store?

This guide will show you how to manage product images, descriptions, and pricing in your Online Store.

Go to Manager > Online Store.

Use the search filters at the top of the screen to find the product(s) you wish to update.

Click on the Product Name to edit it.

Online Product Title

By default, your products will pull information from your Stock/Inventory screen. However, if you would prefer to display the item under a different name in your Online Store, you can update it here.

Online Image & Online Description

Here, you can upload an image of the product and add a description, which will be displayed in your Online Store.

Phorest Auto-Fill

The 'Auto-Fill' feature will attempt to match the product barcode to an online database to automatically add an image and description for the product.

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If you only see the option to manually add a photo here, this is because your product is missing its barcode. Click here for a guide on how to update a product barcode.


You can set the product price for your Online Store here. By default, it will match the item’s price in your regular inventory, but you can update it if you’d like to set a different price for online sales.

Continue Selling When Out of Stock

Checking this box will mean that your clients can still purchase the product in your Online Store even if you don't have any of the product in your current inventory.

Multiple Locations in Phorest?

If you have multiple locations, keep in mind that any changes made to a product will only update it for that specific location’s Online Store. Currently, there is no option to apply updates in bulk across all locations.

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