How do I add/remove products in my online store?

This article will show you how you can add or remove products in your Online Store.

Video Guide

Adding a Product to Your Online Store

Go to Manager > Online Store.

 Access Required

The Settings access permission is required to view this screen. Check out this guide for information on how to update staff access.

Immediately, you'll see a list of all of the products currently in your Phorest system. You can use the search bar and the Brand filters to find a specific product(s).


Before you make a product available to sell online, it's recommended that you add an image and a product description. To do this, click the name of the product to edit it.

On the next screen, you can manually add a product photo and description or click Try Phorest Auto-fill to attempt to automatically find the latest product information.


Note: Phorest tries to find product information based on the product barcode. If the product does not have a barcode, you can check out this guide on how to add/update your product barcodes.

Once you're happy with your product information, change the Available Online setting to Yes to make the product immediately available in your Online Store. Repeat this for each product you would like to sell online.


Setting a Different Product Price

By default, the prices of products in your Online Store mirror those set in Manager > Inventory/Stock. Any adjustments made to product prices on this screen will automatically reflect in your Online Store.

Should you want to offer different prices in your Online Store compared to the standard ones, navigate to the Online Store screen, select the product, adjust the price, and then click Save.


Once a specific Online Store price is set, the price of that product will no longer change if/when the price is changed under ManagerInventory/Stock.

If you wish to reset the product back to the default price, click the 'x' and click Save.

Removing a Product From Your Online Store

To remove a product from your Online Store, change this setting to No.


Promoting Your Products Online

Each product will also have a unique link, allowing you to promote it in a campaign.


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