How do I share my client's reviews on Facebook or online?

This article will show you how you can share your client reviews on your Facebook, Twitter/X, and other social media pages.

 First Steps!

Before sharing reviews, please make sure you're asking for your client's first. If you haven't set up your automatic Review email/SMS, check out this guide to start!

Posting reviews is a fantastic way of promoting your business on social media.

To share a review, go to Marketing > Reviews.

Click on the review you want to share, then click either Facebook to share it directly on Facebook or Copy Text to copy the review and post it to another social media page.


Sharing the Review on Facebook

If this is your first time connecting Phorest Reviews to Facebook, you will see a prompt to grant permission to share the review.

Click Continue to Facebook, and a page will open in your browser. Here, you can sign in to your Facebook account and grant permission.

You may also receive this prompt if you recently changed your password on Facebook.

Once your account is connected and you click to share a review, you will see an option to Share review.

When sharing to Facebook, the review will be shared to your Timeline, not the Reviews section on Facebook. Facebook does not allow third-party software to post to their review section.

Shared Reviews

A review that has been shared to Facebook will display a   under the Facebook header.

Appointments with Multiple Staff Members

When viewing your Reviews in Phorest, if multiple staff were part of an appointment and a client left a review, the Staff name displayed will be based on the following:

1. The client’s Preferred Staff, if part of the booking.
2. The staff member who performed the haircut, if any haircut services were included in the appointment.
3. The staff that performed the longest-duration service in the booking, if none of the above match.

 Enhance Your Review Management with Online Reputation

Take your review management to the next level with the Online Reputation feature. Click here to find out more.

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