How do clients take selfies as part of the Review email?

This article explains how clients can take and share a selfie when leaving a review of their appointment.

Your clients can take selfies for certain services when leaving an Appointment Review. They can then post these selfies to their Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest accounts to share with their followers. This helps to extend your reach for potential new clients through social media.

 First Steps!

Before clients can start taking Salon Selfies, you'll need to have your automatic Review request set up. Check out the link below for a guide on how to get started.

How do I set up or change my Review Email or SMS?

After a client has submitted their review, they will be asked if they would like to upload a selfie of their new selves.

Note: Clients that rate less than 4 stars will not be asked to take a selfie.

Clients can also receive TreatCard points for the selfie. For more information on TreatCard points awarded for Salon Selfies, click here.

Next, your client will be prompted to share their selfie on their own social media profiles.


You can view a list of all client reviews and Salon Selfies in Phorest by going to Marketing > Reviews.

Clicking a review will bring up a larger view of the Salon Selfie.

Please note that services within a Service Category that have an Online Category matching the list below are not eligible for a selfie within the system. For more information on Service Categories, check out this guide.

  • Waxing
  • Medi-aesthetic
  • CACI
  • Electrolysis
  • Intense Pulse Light
  • Laser Hair Removal
  • Laser Rejuvenation
  • Laser Vein & Pigmentation
  • Laser(L.H.E)
  • Meditation
  • Medical
  • Maternity
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Mesotherapy
  • Milia
  • Red Vein
  • Psycho Therapy
  • Restylane
  • Reflexology
  • Specialized Waxing
  • Thread Vein
  • All Holistic categories
  • All aesthetic categories

Salon Selfie & Online Reputation

If you are using the Online Reputation feature, the Salon Selfie feature will work differently in order not to overwhelm clients with too many requests:

  • If Triggers to prompt a review is set to at least 4 stars then Salon Selfie requests are disabled.
  • If Triggers to prompt a review is set to at least 5 stars then Salon Selfie requests are only prompted on 4-star reviews. 
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