How do I set up an automatic appointment Reminder SMS?

This article will show you how to turn on the automated appointment Reminder SMS.

This article covers how to set up an automatic appointment reminder SMS. If you want to set up the automatic appointment reminder Email, check out this guide.

Customizing the Reminder Template

To start, go to Manager > Client Notifications Appointment Reminder.

View and edit your Appointment Reminder SMS under the SMS Editor tab.

You can use the toolbar at the top of the screen to further customize your Appointment Reminder template.

Use the Personalise menu to add personalization to your template.

To enable the SMS Reminder, save the template, then go to Settings within the Appointment Reminder section and switch on the Send reminder message toggle.

Appointments with Multiple Staff Members

When using the <<Staff First Name>> macro in your template, if multiple staff are part of an appointment, the Staff name displayed will be:

1. The client’s Preferred Staff, if part of the booking.
2. The staff of the haircut, if any haircut services were included.
3. The staff that performed the longest-duration service in the booking, if none of the above match.

Previewing & Enabling the Reminder SMS 

Click the Preview button to see what your Appointment Reminder message will look like.

When using the First Name personalization, the name Mary is auto-populated on the preview. The client's actual first name will be populated in the actual message.

Once you are happy with your Appointment Reminder message, click Settings to enable the message and choose when to send it, then click Save changes to finish.

SMS Character Limit

At the top of the SMS Editor template, you will see an SMS counter. An SMS count of 1 SMS Message means you will be charged 1 SMS for every reminder sent. A count of 2 SMS Messages means you will be charged for 2 SMS for every reminder sent, and so on.

SMS technology has a limit of 160 characters per message, and your SMS count increases by 1 for every 160 characters in the message. Each SMS sent is charged at your standard SMS rate.

Character limits are estimates and may vary based on the placeholders used. Check out this guide for detailed information on SMS character limits.

 Appointment Reminders Content Disclaimer

It is important that your Reminder email or SMS does not contain any marketing or promotional content. For more information on transactional vs. marketing messages, click here.

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