How do I give a TreatCard to a new client?

This article will show you how you can assign a TreatCard to a client who doesn't already have one.

Automatic Prompt to Give a Client a TreatCard

If a client doesn't already have a TreatCard, you can enable a prompt to appear on-screen at check-in or when the client goes to pay for their appointment, asking if you'd like to give them a TreatCard.

To assign a TreatCard to the client, scan the TreatCard barcode with your barcode scanner or type the TreatCard number into the Scan field, then click OK.

If you do not want to assign a TreatCard to the client, leave the field blank and click OK.

This prompt is not currently available in PhorestGo.

Enabling the Prompt

To enable this prompt, go to MarketingTreatCardSettings.

You can choose whether you would like the prompt to appear on Check In or on Pay or enable both if you prefer.

What Does it Look Like?

On Check In


On Pay


Manually Assigning a TreatCard Number to a Client

If you prefer to manually assign a TreatCard number to a client directly in their client card, you can do so by going to Clients, then searching for and clicking on a client to open their client card.

Click on the TreatCard section, then assign a Card Number. You can manually enter the number, scan it, or click Generate to let Phorest automatically create a number that is not already in use.

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