How do I forget/delete a clients personal information from my system?

This article will show you how to completely remove a client's personal data from your Phorest database to comply with GDPR, CCPA or other data privacy regulations that may exist in your region.

To comply with data privacy regulations in your region, your clients may have the right to request the removal of their sensitive data from your system at any time. You can fulfill this request by using the Forget button on their client card. However, transactional information related to the client will still be stored in the system anonymously, so it won't affect your reporting figures. This page shows how to Forget an individual client.

Note: The Forget option is not the same as Archiving a client.  When archiving, no data gets deleted from the system, and you can un-archive clients at any time.  The Forget process cannot be undone and forgotten data is permanently deleted.

Forgetting a Client

Go to Clients > Search for and click on a client to open their profile > Client actionsForget.

A warning will appear on-screen to mention that you cannot reverse this action. Once you're happy to continue, click Forget, and the client's personal data will be removed from your Phorest system,

Once forgotten, the client's personal data will be permanently removed from your Phorest system.


After 'forgetting' a client, their personal data will be anonymised on your reports. See the before/after example below:



Automatic Data Retention Period

You can also set your Phorest system to automatically forget client data if they haven't visited your business after 'x' number of years. To find out more about automatic data retention check out this guide.

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