How do I remove a staff member from Phorest?

This article will show you how to archive an active staff member in your Phorest system. 

To remove a staff member from Phorest, you will need to first remove their access, then delete their roster, reschedule any existing appointments, and finally archive them from the system.

You cannot permanently remove a staff profile as it is linked to historical data within your system, i.e. financial sales, service history, etc.

Remove a Staff Member's Access

Go to Manager > Staff Members and click on the name of the staff member you wish to remove to bring up their staff card.


At the bottom of the Staff Profile, you will see a Password field. Edit the password to something the staff member wouldn't know (you don't need to remember the password either).

Next, remove the staff member's email address from their staff profile and click Save.

Once you've changed the staff member's password, Phorest Go will automatically log the staff member out as soon as they go to do something on the app.

Removing their email address will prevent the staff member from being able to reset their Phorest Go password.

Remove a Staff Member's Roster

Go to Manager > Staff Rosters and click on the staff member's shift you want to delete


Then click on the Delete button at the bottom of the screen that will appear on the right-hand side


Select Delete multiple, click each day of the week, then select Delete


Reschedule Existing Appointments/Archive Staff Member

If the staff member has future appointments scheduled, you will receive this message:


Click on Show Appointments to see a list of those upcoming appointments as shown here:


You can then go through your Appointments screen, moving and rescheduling these appointments as necessary.

Once that is done, you can go back to Manager > Staff - Click once on the checkbox on the left side of the staff member you wish to archive and click Archive on the top of the screen  mceclip0.png

Restoring a Staff Member

Should that Staff Member return, click here for a guide on how to Restore a staff member..

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