How do I run Payroll Reports?

This guide will show you how to generate and manage Payroll Reports in Phorest, helping you efficiently track staff wages, commissions, tips, and working hours.

This feature is not currently available in Australia.

What are Payroll Reports?

Payroll Reports in Phorest allow you to efficiently track staff earnings, commission, tips, and working hours. These reports help you manage payroll calculations, ensuring accurate payment based on rostered or clock-in hours, commissions, and deductions.

Granting Access to Payroll Reports

To grant access to payroll reports, go to ManagerAccess & License Keys > Select an Access Level > Expand on the Reports section > Payroll Reports.

Multi-Branch Access Permission

If you have multiple locations in Phorest, you can grant access to run payroll for the entire business or just one location.

  • View Payroll Reports allows payroll for a single location (suitable for salon managers)

  • View Multi-Branch Payroll Reports: Grands payroll access for all locations in your business (suitable for owners and accountants).

Generating a New Payroll Report

To generate a new payroll report, go to Manager Payroll Reports and select New Report.

If you have multiple locations in Phorest and would like to generate a Payroll Report including all locations, select Multi-Branch and then select New Report.


  1. Enter the start and end dates of your most recent completed payroll period in the From and To dates.
  2. Set your Payroll Frequency.
  3. Set the last date/day of your current payroll period
  4. Choose your preferences in the remaining Report Settings (explained in further detail below), and then select Run Report.

  The settings you choose here will be saved for future payroll reports, making the process faster and more convenient. Once you pass the last day/date of your payroll period, the From and To dates will automatically update, so all you need to do next time is click Run Report.

Report Settings

From and To dates: Enter the start and end date of your most recent completed payroll period.
Payroll Frequency: How often you run your payroll.
Last day of payroll period: This is when your current payroll period ends.
Pay staff based on: Choose whether you want the total 'Hours Worked' on the report to be calculated from the scheduled hours in your Staff Roster or by hours clocked in.
Include Tips: Choose whether to include tips in the report or not. Staff tips received directly through PhorestTips will always be excluded from the report.
Include Discounts: When enabled, staff commissions will be calculated on the original price of items before any discounts were applied. When disabled, commissions will be calculated from the discounted price.
Deduct cost of service: When enabled, staff commissions will be calculated from service prices after service costs have been deducted.
Deduct cost of service after commission: Staff commissions will be calculated first before service costs are deducted. Click here for more information.
Apply commission to a gift card's full value: In sales where gift cards are used for payment, commissions on those sales will be calculated on the gift card's face value rather than monetary value.
Apply higher commission to full amount if reached: When enabled, the highest commission % reached in a tiered commission level will apply to all sales. Click here for more information.
Combine service and series/course commission: Combine your commission reporting into one total for Services and courses/series. Disabling the setting will give you two individual commission breakdowns: one for Services and one for Courses/Series.

Understanding the Payroll Report

The payroll report is broken into different columns of detailed payroll data.

If you're unsure how certain numbers are being calculated, hover your mouse over the column name to get a detailed description.

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Staff Breaks & Hours Worked

If a staff member’s calendar includes unpaid breaks, these will be subtracted from the total Hours Worked in the payroll report. However, paid breaks will not be deducted.

For example, if Alex works 10 hours but has 2 hours of unpaid breaks, their total Hours Worked will be 8 (10 - 2). However, if the breaks are paid, the total Hours Worked remains 10.

Staff Hourly Rate

Some of the numbers in the report are calculated using the staff hourly rate. To update a staff member's hourly rate, go to ManagerStaff Members > Click a staff member's name to open their staff profile > SettingsHourly Rate.

Drilling in for Further Information

You can click on most numbers in your payroll report to drill down and see detailed information for each sale contributing to that total.

It is not currently possible to drill into multi-branch payroll reports.

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Downloading/Exporting the Report

To download the dashboard, click the three dots at the top right corner of the dashboard and click Download.

Scheduling a Delivery

You can use the Send now option to email the report to someone immediately. However, scheduling a recurring email delivery is not possible, as the payroll To and From date range filters are incompatible with recurring emails. Attempting to do so will result in blank data in the received email.


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