How do I give a staff member access to only certain reports?

This article will explain how to update a staff member's access permissions so that they see only their numbers or only certain figures when viewing reports.

Updating Your Staff Member's Access Level

First, check which Access Level is assigned to the staff member. To do this, go to ManagerStaff Members > Click on a staff to open their profile.

Next, go to ManagerAccess & License Keys > Select that access level > Set the Reports access you would like them to have > Save.


Each Access Area Explained

Within the access settings, there are four areas related to Reports: Insights, Finance, Staff, and Additional Reports.

Each of these areas corresponds to the areas within the Reports section of your Phorest system.

You can use the arrows on the right to drill down into particular areas. This allows you to give staff access to an area but limit them to only certain reports in that area.

It is recommended that you review each of these areas and decide what staff should and shouldn't have access to.

Limiting Staff Access to Their Numbers Only

If you only want staff to be able to see reports related to their own performance, you can do this by only granting access to View individual staff's performance under the Staff Performance access area.

Staff members who only have access to their own performance will not have access to the Staff Name or Staff Category filters in the relevant dashboard.

With Full Access:

With Individual Access:

Limiting Access to Only One Location/Branch

If you have multiple locations in Phorest and want certain staff (e.g., a Manager) to only have access to reports for their branch, you can limit reports on the Insights and Finance areas to display only numbers relating to the current location by unchecking the View Multi-Branch options.

This permission exists for each Insights dashboard, so you will need to uncheck the box under each dashboard/report.

What Does 'No Access' Look Like?

If a staff member attempts to access a report they don't have permission for, a message will be displayed informing them that they don't have access.

Can I Limit Access on PhorestGo?

Yes, there are separate access permissions for PhorestGo, which can be found under Phorest Go (Mobile).

If you only want staff to access reports on PhorestGo but not on a computer, you can uncheck the other Reports access level entirely and only enable the access permissions under the Phorest Go (Mobile) section.

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