How is the Rebooking Rate calculated?

This article will discuss how the rebooking rate, which appears in some staff and business reports, is calculated.

How is it Calculated?

The rebooking rate is determined by whether one of the following is true for a client on the day of their appointment:

  • They already have a future appointment booked.
  • They make a booking for a future appointment on the day of their visit.

The future appointment does not need to be with the same staff member in order for it to be considered as a rebooking. Also, If you have multiple locations in Phorest, the future appointment can be in a different location, and it will still be considered a successful rebooking.

If a booking is created on any day after their visit, then it will not be considered a rebooking.

Canceled Appointments

If an appointment is rebooked successfully but later canceled by either you or your client, it will no longer count as a rebooking.

Where Does it Appear?

Below are some examples of where the rebooking rate appears:

The Staff Report

For more information on the staff report, check out this guide.

The Health Dash (Insights)

Staff Performance Detail Report (Insights)

My Numbers (My Performance on PhorestGo)

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