What is the Insights dashboard and how do I use it?

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The Insights dashboard provides quick and reliable insights into your business, with consistent data across all reports in the dashboard.

You'll see data-rich visuals and tables, period-over-period comparisons, and the ability to create alerts that deliver actionable insights. This allows you to use data proactively to help manage your business.

To get started:

On Phorest Desktop

Go to Manager > Reports, then choose which dashboard or report you'd like to view under the Insights tab.

On Phorest Go

Open the menu by swiping in from the left of the screen > Insights

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If you do not see the Insights button in Phorest Go, please open your App Store to check that you are on the latest version of Phorest.

Viewing in Full Screen

When viewing a dashboard or report, you can use the Full Screen button to switch to a full-screen view.


To exit full-screen click the Close Full Screen button in the same area.

Using the Dashboard Filters

Use the Date option to filter your report. If you have multiple locations in Phorest, you can also use the Branch Name option to filter to one or multiple locations.

Once you've set your filters, click the Update button mceclip0.png to refresh the dashboard and apply your filters.


Unchecking all branches will also result in a full business-level report.


Period-on-Period Comparisons

Some reports include comparison metrics. 


These comparisons are based on the Date filter you have set and are compared to the equivalent date range immediately prior to that date.

For example, if you set the Date filter to This Month, then the comparisons will be made against last month.

If you set the Date filter to the Last 90 Days, then the comparisons will be made against the 90 days immediately before those last 90 days.

If you set the Date filter to a specific custom date range, then the comparisons will be made against the same number of days immediately previous (e.g. a Custom date range of Sep 10th - 13th (4 days) would be compared against Sep 6th - 9th).

Explanations for Each Report (Tooltips)

Each report on each dashboard will include a tooltip mceclip2.png icon. Hove your mouse cursor over it to get a breakdown of how the report is calculated.


Getting a More Detailed View on Data (Drill-Down)

You can click on most data points to explore a more extensive breakdown of the data.

Some data can be broken down into an extensive table view:


Whereas other data points will bring you to a dashboard focused on that point:


Archived Staff Members

The financial totals for staff members who have been archived will still be calculated in each report, however, they will not appear on any staff breakdown reports, and will appear as a mceclip1.png symbol on the Sales Transactions report.


Unarchiving the staff member will make them appear on these reports.

Downloading/Exporting Reports & Dashboards

You can download individual reports or download a snapshot of an entire dashboard by clicking the 3 dots in the top-right and then clicking Download.


Or by clicking the Download button on a drill-down.


Scheduling a Report or Dashboard Delivery by Email

You can schedule reports and dashboards to be sent to you or your staff repeatedly by email.

To do this, click the 3 dots in the top-right corner, then select Schedule delivery.


Start by giving your report a Name. This will be the subject of the email and the name of the attached file.

Then, choose how often you would like to receive this email under the Recurrence settings, enter the email addresses you wish to send the report to, pressing the Enter key on your keyboard after each email address.

Then, choose your preferred Format.


Next, under the Filters tab, verify that your filters are set the way you want them.

As an example, if you want to receive an email on the 1st of every month with data on the previous month's performance, Schedule the Recurrence to Monthly on the 1st, and set the Date filter to Previous Month.


Next, under Advanced options, set a Custom Message. This message will be included in the body of the email that is sent. If you're scheduling this email for your team, you can add information about what is attached.


Finally, click Test now to send yourself a preview of the email. The sender of the email will be listed as noreply@lookermail.com

Example Email:


Viewing and Editing/Deleting a Scheduled Delivery

To edit, duplicate, or delete an existing scheduled delivery, click the 3 dots icon mceclip0.png in the top-right corner of the dashboard or report > click Schedule delivery > If there are any existing schedules for that report or dashboard, you will see them listed.

Click the 3 dots beside the schedule you wish to amend, then choose what you want to do.


Creating Alert Notifications by Email for Specific Targets

With each report on the dashboard, you can schedule email notifications to be sent once a certain target is met.

To do this, hover over a report and click on the bell icon


Next, give your Alert a name, set the Condition that needs to be met in order to trigger the Alert, enter the email addresses to send it to, and then choose how often the system should check to see if your condition has been met under Frequency.

Alert Settings.gif

Once the condition is met, you'll receive an email like the one below. The email will come from noreply@lookermail.com

Example Email:


Viewing and Editing/Deleting Existing Alerts

You can see which reports have Alerts set up by hovering over a particular report. If the bell has a number notification over it, this is how many Alerts are currently set up for that report.


To edit, duplicate, or delete an Alert, click the bell > click the 3 dots beside an alert, then choose what you want to do.

Delete an Alert.gif

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