How do I use the Staff report to measure my team's performance?

This article will show you how to use Phorest reporting to gather information on your team's performance from both an overall revenue and stats perspective. 

Go to Manager > Reports, and click on the Staff tab at the top of the screen.

Use the Date Range and Staff dropdown menus in the top right to filter your reporting to your needs.


The report is broken down into the 4 sections shown below, along with a Settings option to configure the dashboard to your preference. Staff are listed on this screen alphabetically in order by their last name.

Configuring the Dashboard (Settings)

Before you begin using the Staff Reports Dashboard, it's important that you check the dashboard settings to make sure they're set up to your preference.

To do this, click the cogwheel icon.


Then, choose your preferred settings and click Save to finish. Unless you adjust them, these settings will remain the same in the future.


Deduct Cost of Service After Commission

This allows you to deduct the cost of service after the commission has been calculated. This means that the full cost of the service is on the staff member, and not shared with the salon. This will reduce the staff member’s overall commission.

Apply Higher Commission to Full Amount

This applies the highest level of tiered commission to the full sales amount. For example, a tiered commission structure that gives 10% on the first 1000 in sales and 20% on everything thereafter. If total sales are 1500, with this setting enabled, the staff commission will be calculated at 20% of 1500. With this setting disabled, it would calculate 10% on 1000 and 20% on 500.

Combine service and course/series commission

Enabling this setting will combine your commission reporting into one total for Services and courses/series. Disabling the setting will give you two individual commission breakdowns: one for Services and one for Courses/Series.



Not Combined:



The Payroll section will give you a breakdown of staff CommissionWages and a Total of each. You can use the expand buttons for each to get some further breakdowns in each section


  Setting up Commission

You will need to make sure you have your Commission and Staff Payroll information set up for this reporting to work

Rostered Days

Here you will see a summary of your staff's working days and days off.

Note: Rostered Days reporting will not work unless you have set the staff members' working Hours Per Day and Hourly Rate on their staff profile. Click here for a guide on how to set that information up..

Days Worked
are any days when the staff member was scheduled to work via the Staff Roster. The default working hours per day for each staff member is 8. Any part day worked is calculated as a percentage of the Standard Hours Worked per Day.

Days Off
are any days set as days off. Days off are grouped by type - Holiday, Training, Sick Day and Custom.


Performance (Rev)

Here, you will see the amount of revenue generated by the staff member, broken down by Services, Courses, Retail, and their Total.

For more information on how each of these is calculated, click the question mark icon at the top of the section. You can also click the arrows to expand and see a further breakdown of the areas.


Performance Stats

Here, you will see the number of Services, Courses and Retail performed by each staff member in the given time period, as well as stats on client requests, client visits, rebooking, review ratings, and product upsell.

For information on how each of these is calculated, click the ? icon at the top of the section.


Staff Client Visits

Here, you will see the number of client visits per staff member. One client visiting multiple staff members will add 1 to the total for each of those staff members.

The Visits total on this report may differ from the total number of client visits on other reports, such as the Insights dashboard, as the total on this report sums up the visit total for each staff member, whereas the total on some other reports will look at unique client visits to the business, rather than each staff member.


The rebooking rate is determined by whether one of the following is true for a client on the day of their appointment:

  • They already have a future appointment booked.
  • They make a booking for a future appointment on the day of their visit.

The future appointment does not need to be with the same staff member in order for it to be considered a rebooking. If you have multiple locations in Phorest, the future appointment can also exist in a different location, and it will still be considered a successful rebooking.

If a booking is created on any day after their visit, it will not be considered a rebooking.

The Review Rating

The review rating is calculated as a weighted average score. For more information on how this is calculated, check out this guide.

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