How do I set up staff commission?

This article will show you how to set up your staff Commission structure for Services and Products.

Basic Commission Structure

To begin creating your Commission structure, go to Manager > Commission > Click Add Commission Level.

If you wish to Edit an existing commission, click it to edit it.

Give the commission structure a name by entering one into the Commission Level Name field.

The Commission name is just a reference for you to know which structure you're applying to each staff member. You can edit this later if you need to.

To apply a commission level to service sales, select Services. Then, if the commission also applies to retail product sales, repeat the process under Products. You can have the same or a different commission structure for each, or a commission structure that only applies to one.

Note: Commission is always calculated on the Net amount (before tax).

Use the Service commission dropdown menu to create and apply a commission rate to every Service/Product Category.


Adjusting the Rate for Each Category

If you have different commission rates for each category, you can adjust them individually by selecting the Commission dropdown next to each category.


Adjusting the Rate for Cach Service/Product Individually

If you have different commission rates for individual services or products, you can expand the category to find and update specific services or products within that category.


Target-based/Tiered Commission Structure

You can set up target-based commission brackets to activate a higher commission rate when a staff member achieves a specific sales value. When adding your commission rate, add the first target in the For sales up to field, then click on +Add another bracket to add the next level.

For instance, in the example below, a staff member would not begin earning commission until they have reached $300 in sales. Once they exceed $300, they would start earning 7% on additional sales between $300 and $700. After surpassing $700, they will start earning 12% on any further sales.

Once you've built your commission structure, click Save changes to finish.

Applying Higher Commission Values to Full Amount

If you wish to create a tiered/target-based commission system but apply the higher % commission to the staff members' total amount (e.g. using the example in the section above, the staff member would get 12% commission on their total service sales), you can do this by adjusting your reporting settings by going to ManagerReports > Staff, then click the cogwheel


Then, enable the Apply higher commission to full amount setting and click save.


If you are using the older Staff Commission Detail or Staff Commission Overview reports, you can enable the Apply Higher Commission Brackets to Full Amount setting before generating the report.

 Next Steps!

Once you've created all of your commission structures, you'll need to assign a structure to your team members. Click here for a guide on how to assign a commission structure to a staff member.

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