How can I control which prompts appear on my Appointments calendar?

This guide will show you how to customize your Prompt Settings to show or hide certain prompts on your Appointments screen.

These settings are only available on desktop and do not apply to PhorestGo.

Customizing Your Prompts

You can customize the prompts that appear when managing appointments on your Appointments screen. The Prompts settings menu lets you choose which prompts to display or hide, ensuring a smoother experience for you and your staff.

To access your Prompts settings, go to ManagerSettings > Select Appointment Setup under the General tab > Prompts.

What Do Each of the Prompts Look Like?

Client already booked at this time

This prompt appears when you try to book or move a service for a client to a time when they already have an existing appointment.

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Moving an appointment

This prompt appears when an appointment is moved and asks if you're sure you'd like to move the appointment.

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Appointment and break hover summary

This summary appears when you hover over an appointment or a break.

When hovering over an appointment, you will see all services booked, each service start time, the staff assigned, any rooms/machines assigned, and any appointment notes for that day.

When hovering over a break, you'll see the break name, start time, and duration.

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Exceeded room capacity

This prompt appears after you try to book a service that requires a room when the room is already at full capacity from other existing bookings.

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Machine unsuitable

This prompt appears when you attempt to move a service from one machine to another, but the other machine is not assigned to the service/service category.

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This prompt will only appear for services that are assigned to a machine.

Machine double booked

This prompt appears when you try to book a service on a machine that is already in use for another appointment at the same time.

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Preserve gap time

This prompt appears when you move a service within an appointment that includes a gap time for development, such as a color and cut appointment. It is triggered if you try to move the service with the gap time or the service scheduled immediately after it.

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Clicking Yes on the prompt will move both services while maintaining the gap/development time. Clicking No will move only the originally selected service, leaving the other service unchanged. Any other services in the appointment are not affected, regardless of which option you choose.

Room unsuitable

This prompt appears when you attempt to move a service from one room to another, but the other room is not assigned to the service/service category.

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This prompt will only appear for services that are assigned to a room.

Staff unqualified

This prompt appears when you attempt to book a service with a staff member who is not qualified to be booked for that service.

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Selecting Add the service will allow you to continue booking the service with the staff member.

Staff requested

This prompt appears when you try to move a service from one staff member to another when the original staff member was requested.

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Selecting Add the service will continue with moving the service to the new staff member. The new staff member will not be marked as Requested automatically.

Staff double booked

This prompt appears when you attempt to book an appointment with a staff member at a time when they are already booked.

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Selecting Confirm lets you continue double booking, while Cancel will cancel the booking.

Staff not working

This prompt appears when you try to book or reschedule an appointment to a time when a staff member is not scheduled to work.

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Non-working time is represented in a staff member's column in a grey-colored space.

Service already booked this day

This prompt appears when you attempt to book a service for a client on a day when they are already booked for that same service.

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Special offer not allowed at time

This prompt appears when you try to book or reschedule a Special Offer on/to a date, day, or time when it is unavailable.

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To learn more about limiting Special Offer bookings to specific dates, days, or times, click here.

Special offer max concurrent exceeded

This prompt appears when you’ve set a limit on the number of staff members who can be booked for a special offer at the same time and you attempt to schedule an appointment that would exceed that limit.

For example, in the special offer below, the maximum staff working on offer is set to 1

In the calendar, this Special Offer is already booked with one staff member from 1 PM to 1:45 PM.

If I attempt to book this special offer again within this same time period, I will receive the following prompt:

To learn more about Special Offer booking rules & restrictions, click here.

Special offer max per day exceeded

This prompt appears when you have a limit on how many times a certain special offer can be booked within a day, and then try to make a booking that would exceed that limit.

For example, in the special offer below, the Maximum offers per day is set to 3.

In the calendar, there are already three bookings for this special offer.

If I attempt to book this special offer again, I will receive the following prompt:

To learn more about Special Offer booking rules & restrictions, click here.

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