How do I create a Special Offer?

This will show you how to create a Special Offer of services.

Creating Your Special Offer

Go to Manager > Special Offers, and click + New Special Offer to begin creating your Special Offer.

Start by giving your Special Offer a name, then click + Add Service to begin adding services to your offer.

Repeat this step until you have added all of the services you wish to add to your Special Offer.

If you need to edit a service after adding it, click the    button beside the service to edit it.

Adding a Choice of Services

If you wish to let clients choose between a selection of services, click    when adding a service. This will allow you to offer a choice of services to your client.


If you plan to make your Special Offer bookable online, here is what the choice of services will look like for your clients:

Adding Staff Price Levels to your Offer

You can add price levels to your offer, meaning the price will change depending on which staff member the offer is booked with.

To do this, click the    button when adding your service, then set your prices as shown below.

Offer Details - Category, Clients Per Package & Total Price

Next, choose which Service Category the Special Offer should be listed under. If you use online booking, the special offer will also appear in a separate Special Offers category on your online booking page.

Clients Per Package

This setting allows you to create a Special Offer for group bookings. When set to a number higher than 1, the services in your Special Offer will automatically be multiplied by the number you set in this field, meaning you don't need to add the same service to your offer multiple times.

This setting will not automatically adjust the price of the offer, meaning the prices you set when creating the offer should be the total price for the full group booking.

Limiting the Special Offer to Specific Days and/or Times

If your Special Offer will only be available for a limited time, use the Valid from and Valid until options to set your date range. Appointment slots will only be available within this date range, including both the from and until dates.

If you want your Special Offer to be limited to certain days of the week and/or certain times of the day, click    and set the days and/or times.

For example, in the settings below, appointment availability for the special offer is limited to Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at any time or Saturday and Sunday from 10 AM to 4 PM only.

Booking Rules/Restrictions

Maximum offers per day

This setting enables you to limit how many times a special offer can be booked in a single day. For instance, if you set the limit to 5, no more than five appointments for this offer will be allowed per day.

If the limit has been reached, your online booking will show no availability, and staff will see the warning below if they try to create a booking:

Maximum staff working on offer

This setting allows you to restrict the number of staff members who can be booked for the special offer at the same time within a day. For example, if you set the limit to 2 and two staff members are already booked for the offer between 10:00 AM and 10:30 AM, no additional staff can be booked during that time, even if they are qualified to provide the services included in the offer.

If the limit has been reached, your online booking will show no availability, and staff will see the warning below if they try to create a booking:

Exclude staff

This setting lets you exclude staff members from being booked for the special offer, even if they are qualified to perform the services within the offer.

If it usually isn't possible to book the services in your offer with particular staff members, they will automatically be excluded, and you don't need to add them here.

Choosing If the Offer Can Be Booked Online

Finally, set whether the offer can be booked online or not, then click Save Changes to finish creating your Special Offer.

Primary Service for Qualified Staff

The Primary service decides which staff members should be listed in the staff choice dropdown list when booking the Special Offer online, and it also has an effect on a client's Preferred Staff Member.

Check out this guide for more information on the Primary service checkbox.

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