How do I edit my Client Reconnect message templates?

This article will show how to edit the Initial and Follow-Up Client Reconnect email and SMS templates for each service category.

Go to Marketing > Client ReconnectTemplates.

Each of your Service Categories will have its own set of templates. Select the Service Category template you wish to update from the Categories menu.

Use the tabs at the top of the screen to edit the Initial SMSFollow Up SMS, Initial Email, and Follow Up Email templates for this service category, then click the Save button to finish.

Including an Online Booking Link

When creating your message, you can include a booking link.

This link will take clients to the page for that Service Category in your Phorest online booking site so they can easily rebook their next appointment.

Staff First Name

When using the Staff First Name placeholder in your templates, it will automatically add the first name of the staff member who performed the last appointment for each client receiving the Reconnect message.

If the staff member who performed the last appointment has since been archived, their name will still appear in the message.

Sending by Email and/or SMS

Your client will receive the initial message and follow-up message by email or SMS based on your Client Reconnect settings, which can be customized to your business needs. For more information, check out this guide.


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