How do I undo a sale/transaction?

This article will show you how to undo/delete/remove a sale/transaction.

Go to Manager > Sales.

Single-click on the sale you wish to remove, then Void to undo the transaction.

You can also use the Refund button instead to process a refund if you prefer.


If there is an appointment associated with the sale, clicking Void (or Undo) will put the appointment back into an unpaid state, and can be edited or removed if necessary. Refunding will not do this, and the appointment will remain in a complete/paid state.

The button may say Undo instead of Void. This will function the same. If you don't see either button, please reach out to our Support team by clicking Contact SupportContact in your Phorest system.

From here you may want to look at How to edit a sale after it's complete.

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