How do I refund a tip?

This article will show you how you can refund a tip

Go to Manager > Sales, and search for the sale.

When you've found the sale, single-click it, then click the Refund button at the bottom of the screen.


After clicking Refund, you will be brought to the Purchase screen and will be able to see all items from the original sale.

Refunding the Tip Only.

If you are only refunding the tip, click the 'x' beside each item from the original sale to remove it from the transaction.


Next, Click Pay, then click Add a Tip.


In the dropdown menu, select Other staff.. then choose the name of the staff member who originally received the tip.

Click the calculator then enter the amount of the tip to be refunded. Make sure to click the minus (-) button on the calculator in order to change the tip to a refund amount.


You will notice that the tip value is now added to the Remaining total and is highlighted in Red to indicate that it is a refund.


Select the payment type you wish to refund with, then click Pay again to complete the refund.

Refunding the Tip and Service(s)

If you are refunding the tip and the service(s) then, after clicking Refund on the Sales screen, leave everything as is and click Pay.

Note: If you wish to refund some services, click the 'x' beside the services you wish to remove from the transaction.

After clicking Pay, click Add a Tip.


Enter the amount of tip you wish to refund, then make sure to click the minus (-) button on the calculator in order to change the tip to a refund amount.


You will notice that the tip value is now added to the Remaining total, which is highlighted in Red to indicate that it is a refund.


Select the payment type you wish to refund with, then click Pay again to complete the refund.

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