What notifications are sent when a client makes, cancels, or reschedules an appointment online?

This article discusses the email notifications you receive when a client makes, cancels, or reschedules an appointment in online booking.

Email Notification When a Booking is Made Online

The Email You Receive

You will receive an email notification with the client's name in the subject and appointment details in the body.

The Email Your Client Receives

The client will receive an email confirmation with their appointment details, along with the amount left to pay at the time of their appointment.

If you have the Confirmation Email or SMS enabled, the client will also receive that notification separately.

Email Notification When Your Client Reschedules Their Booking Online

This email is only received if a client reschedules the appointment themselves through Online Booking and is not sent if you or your staff reschedule the appointment.

The Email you Receive

The Email Your Client Receives

Email Notification When a Client Cancels Their Booking Online

This email is only received if a client cancels the appointment themselves through Online Booking and is not sent if you or your staff cancel the appointment.

The Email You Receive

cancelled appointment - salon view.png

The Email Your Client Receives

cancelled appointment - customer view.png

Other Notifications

The notifications above are specifically related to your Phorest Online Booking system. However, you can also set up automatic email and SMS notifications for other scenarios. Please see each notification type below:

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