Why are my staff not showing availability in Online Booking?

This article will walk you through some of the reasons staff members may not show availability online even when they have space in their columns.

Sometimes, your staff may not show available timeslots in online booking despite the space in their appointments calendar being empty.

The steps below can act as a checklist for solving this if it occurs.

Can the staff member be booked for the service(s) in the booking?

Staff members can only be booked online for services that are enabled under the Services tab on their staff profile.

Check out this guide to find out how to assign services to staff members.

Is the staff member scheduled to be working on the day/time of the booking?

Next, check that the staff member is scheduled to work at the time of the booking.

Check out this guide on how to schedule a staff member on the Staff Roster.

Are the staff members scheduled working hours in line with the business opening hours?

Online booking availability will only show timeslots for times that are within the business opening hours. A staff member can be scheduled to work past the business opening hours, but online booking will not show any availability for that time.

Check out this guide to see how to view and edit your business opening hours.

Is the staff member hidden from Online Booking?

You can choose which of your staff can be booked online. If a staff member is hidden from Online Booking, then they will not be bookable online.

Check out this guide to see how to find out if a staff member is hidden from Online Booking.

Is there a room or machine assigned to the service that is already in use?

If a room or machine is at full capacity, then your online booking system will not show availability for services that are assigned to that room or machine at that time, even if staff members are available.

This guide will show you how to see if a Service is assigned to a room or machine.

This guide will show you how to see if a Service Category is assigned to a room or machine.

Do you need to adjust your Online Booking timeslot availability?

If certain timeslots are not showing, then you may need to adjust your Booking slots and/or Minimum Gap Time settings.

Check out this guide to see how to adjust your Booking slots and Minimum Gap Time

Does the service duration conflict with staff availability?

If the service does not fit into an empty space in the staff member's column, then your online booking system will not show availability for that time.

Here are some useful guides on:

How to edit a service duration

How to set different service durations for each staff member.

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