How does a client reset their password for Online Booking?

This article will show how your client can reset their password to regain access to Online Booking and their booking history.

Resetting from 'My Account'

To reset your online booking password, go to My account.

Click Login.

Then click Forgot password.

Resetting During a Booking

If a client is logged out when making a booking, they will automatically be brought to a login screen after choosing their preferred appointment time.

Clients can then click the Forgot your password? button on this screen to reset their password.

reset password ob v2.gif


After a client enters their email and clicks Reset Password, they will receive an email with a link to change their password.

Direct Link to Reset Password

You can also get a direct link to your Online Booking password reset page by replacing yourphorestsubdomain in the link below with your own Phorest subdomain.

Your Phorest subdomain can be found at the end of your normal Online Booking link after /salons/

For example, phorestsalon is the subdomain in the following Online Booking link

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