How do I show or hide the Client Spend total on a client's profile?

This article will show you how to view a client's total product spend amount, service spend amount, course/series spend amount, overall total spend, and their No Show count in their client card.

Showing/Hiding Client Spend

By updating access level permissions, you can show or hide client spending for everyone or, if you prefer, only for specific staff members.

To update an access level, go to ManagerAccess & License Keys > Choose the Access Level you wish to update > Search 'spend' > Check/uncheck the Spend permission > Click Save to finish.

What Does it Look Like?

The client spend summary appears in the Spend section of their client card and includes the following information:

  • Overall spend total
  • Product spend total
  • Service spend total
  • Course/Series spend total
  • Total number of No Shows


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