How do I merge a duplicated client?

This article outlines how to merge client cards if you end up with more than one card relating to the same person.

Important: Once you have merged two clients together, they cannot be unmerged, so it's important to be careful when merging.

 Useful Tip!

You can use reporting to identify your duplicate clients - Click here to find out how to use the Phorest Duplicate Client's report.

Go to Manager > Client Merge


Adding Your Clients

Select +Add Client to add the first client profile.

Then click +Add Client again and add the next duplicate version.


Repeat this process until you have all duplications of the client added, then click the Next button.

Choosing Information (Merge Properties) and Completing the Merge

Before completing the merge, choose which information you would like to retain by clicking the dropdown boxes.

Fields where the information is greyed out are automatically selected and cannot be changed because there is only one value to select.

Blank fields mean that none of the client profiles in the merge include that information.

All information, including client photos, service history, product history, consultation formsPhorestPay stored card details etc., will be merged together despite not appearing as options/boxes on this screen.

When you're happy to proceed, click Merge All to complete the merge.

Note: This process cannot be undone, so double-check that the information is exactly how you want it before completing the merge.

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