This article will show you how to add client and appointment notes and where they can be viewed in the Client Card.

In Phorest, you can add two different types of notes for a Client:

Client Notes are general notes about a client that you would like to keep a record of. These notes could be anything from the client's interests and hobbies down to how they like their coffee.

Service and Color Notes are notes specifically relating to a particular appointment (e.g. color formulas, products used etc.).

Adding/Viewing Notes through an Appointment

To begin adding notes, double-click on an appointment. You'll notice the notes area at the bottom of the appointment editor window.


Service and Color & Past Appointment Notes

Any notes relating to this particular appointment should be entered in the Service and Colour Notes area. These notes will automatically be visible in the Past Appointment Notes area when booking/editing future appointments, along with the appointment date for reference.

Client Notes

Any general notes should be entered in the Client Notes area. These will always remain the same and will be visible in the Client Notes section in the future and on the Client Card under the Notes section.

Adding/Viewing Notes through the Client Card

Go to Clients, then search for and click on a client to open their Client Card.

General Client Notes can be viewed and updated under Basic Information > Client notes.



Service & Color Notes (or Appointment Notes) can be seen under the Appointment History.



Adding/Viewing Notes in PhorestGo

To add a note in PhorestGo, tap on a client's appointment > Tap Notes.


If the note is specific to this particular appointment, add the note in the Appointment Notes section.

If you are adding general notes about the client, add a note in the Client Notes section.

Tap Done when you are finished.


To view all client notes, open the sidebar menu > Tap Clients > Search for and tap on the client's name to open their client card > Tap Notes under any appointment to see the notes from that appointment and the general client notes.


Prompting Client Notes on your Appointments Calendar

Client notes can be displayed on the Appointments calendar automatically at certain times. To find out more, check out this guide.

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