How do I bulk archive/unarchive clients?

This article outlines how to tidy up your client list so you only see relevant clients

Bulk archiving allows you to easily archive a lot of clients who no longer visit your business, all at once. It's an effective way to clean up your database, ensuring you're not using resources to contact clients who are no longer regular visitors.

This process is different from Forgetting/Deleting clients. Archived clients are simply hidden and can be unarchived at any time. Learn how to set a data retention period so clients are automatically forgotten after a certain time.

If you are new to Phorest and we imported your client list

We highly recommend waiting at least one year before using this feature. Imported clients are viewed in Phorest as 'New', and client visits in Phorest are counted by sales transactions, which can't be imported. As a result, some clients may be included in your selected 'No Visit' range and be archived unintentionally.

If you have multiple locations in Phorest, bulk archiving will apply to your client list at an overall business level. For example, clients across all locations. It's not currently possible to bulk archive from just one branch.

Bulk Archiving Clients

Go to Clients > Click the Bulk Archive button.

Next, set the conditions clients need to meet to be included in the bulk archiving. The Clients to Bulk Archive total will update based on your conditions, showing how many clients will be archived.

Once you're ready, click the Archive button.

Clients with Future Appointments

Clients with future appointments currently booked will not be archived, even if they match your bulk archive conditions.

Bulk Unarchiving Clients

Go to Clients > Select the Archived only box.

Then, click the Bulk Unarchive button.

Next, set the conditions clients need to meet to be included in the bulk unarchiving. The Clients to Bulk Unarchive total will update based on your conditions, showing how many clients will be unarchived.

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