How do I set different prices for a Service in each of my locations? (Multi-branch Business)

This article will show you how you can set different service prices in different branches if you have multiple locations in your business.

Default Service Pricing

To set different default service prices in each location, go to Manager ServicesSingle-click on the name of the service > Branches > Enter the price per location in the Price column, pressing Enter on your keyboard after each price entry.


Services that don't have a price set in the Branches screen will automatically default to the price set on the Business screen.

Updating Future Appointments

After you change a service price, you will be prompted to update the price of future appointments. Choosing Yes will update the price of all future appointments that include the service to the new service price. 

Also include online bookings will also update the price of future appointments that were booked online.

Also include manually changed prices will also update the price of future appointments wherever a staff member has manually amended the price of the appointment.


This will not update the pricing for any appointments where a Package or a Special Offer has been booked. You will need to edit each of these appointments manually to update the price if required.

Individual Staff Price Levels

To set different default service prices in each location, go to Manager Services > Click on the name of the service > Branches > Click on the name of the location where you want to set your price levels > Click Set Levels and enter your staff level pricing > Click Done > Click Save.


Services that don't have staff price levels set in the Branches screen will automatically default to the staff price levels that are set on the Business screen.

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