How do I refund a client's deposit?

This article will explain how you can refund a deposit that a client has paid toward their appointment.

If a client has paid a deposit through PhorestPay, either online or in-house, you can refund the deposit in a few ways.

Refunding an Appointment Cancellation

If a client cancels, you can refund their deposit by single-clicking their appointment and then clicking Remove. Click Refund deposit to refund the full deposit paid, or you can choose to charge a Cancellation Charge.

Once refunded, the refund may take 5-10 business days to land in the client's bank account, depending on the banks.

If the client cancels their appointment themselves through your online booking system, their deposit will automatically be refunded within 5-10 business days.

Clients cannot cancel their appointment themselves online if it goes against your Cancellation Period.

Refunding Before the Client's Appointment/Before Checkout

If the appointment has not happened yet or hasn't been checked out yet, but you need to refund the deposit, you can do this by going to ManagerSales > Go to the date when the deposit was paid.

Refunding the Full Deposit Amount

You can then refund the full amount by single-clicking the sale and clicking Void.

After voiding the sale, money will be refunded to the original card within 5-10 business days. If you prefer to refund using another payment method, use the Refund button instead.

Refunding Some of the Deposit (Partial Refund)

If you want to refund only some of the deposit, single-click the sale and then click Refund.

Click on the Price and change it to the amount you wish to refund > Click Pay.


You can refund back to the original card by clicking it in the list of available payment methods. Or you can click another payment type if you prefer to refund in cash, to their client card, etc.

Once you've selected the payment method, click Complete Payment to complete the refund.


The remaining deposit amount (if any) will stay attached to the client's appointment.

If refunding back to the original card through PhorestPay, refunds can take up to 5-10 business days, depending on the banks.

Refunding After the Client's Appointment

After an appointment with a deposit attached has been fully paid for, you will see that the final sale has an AD payment type associated with it. This indicates that the appointment deposit has been 'used', while any other payment type(s) in the sale represent the other payment types used.

In the example below, a $6.50 deposit (AD) was 'used,' and the remaining $26 was paid by Credit Card (CC).

Voiding the sale will result in the client being refunded the entire sale amount (deposit + remaining amount), and the appointment will be changed back to an incomplete state on your Appointments calendar. You can then remove the appointment if needed.

Partially Refunding the Final Sale + Some of the Deposit

When issuing a partial refund to the client's original card, you may need to split it into two parts. First, process a refund for the remaining appointment amount paid on the final sale, i.e. excluding the original appointment deposit.

The deposit amount will be listed under Payment Methods as 'Appointment Deposit'.

Next, click the Price and update it to the amount you wish to refund, excluding the deposit.

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Click Pay > Choose the payment method to refund to > Complete Payment.

Refunding back to the original card through PhorestPay can take up to 5-10 business days, depending on the banks.

If you also want to refund some or all of the original deposit, you must process a separate refund for the original deposit sale.

Go to Manager > Sales > Navigate to the date the deposit was originally paid and click on the sale.

The deposit will be listed as Appointment Deposit. Click Refund to process the refund, which can be issued up to the deposit total.

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