How and where is my data stored with Phorest?

This article will show you how and where your Phorest data is securely stored.

All of your data in Phorest is securely stored in real-time in a state-of-the-art IT system that is provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS).

We abide by best practices and perform regular security testing to ensure your data is safe.

Phorest Cloud and all related services are hosted in a virtual private network (VPC). This virtual network is dedicated to Phorest and is where all of our servers and databases are hosted.

We tightly control access in and out of this VPC and only our dedicated DevOps team has this access. All DevOps team members have multi-factor authentication enabled on their Accounts. Our network is partitioned into layers where we have strict control of IP addresses and ports.

Our data is shared in multiple availability zones between EU-West-1 and US-East-1 depending on your business location.

Phorest Cloud uses HTTPS protocol for all transmission of data from our clients to our system, all communication is encrypted.


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