How do I cash up at the end of each day?

This article will show you how to close out your register/till at the end of each business day.

Cashing Up

Cashing up a till at the end of each day ensures that the cash on hand matches the recorded sales. This promotes financial accuracy and security by reducing the risk of errors or theft. It also aids in reconciling transactions, maintaining records for business performance, and preparing the cash float for the following day.

To begin cashing up, go to Manager > Cashup.

The Cashup screen will always default to the current day. To begin, select the Cash Up button at the bottom of the screen.


On the next screen, you will see the total Expected amounts. These totals are based on the sales you processed that day. To enter the Actual amounts, click on each payment type. The actual amount is the amount you physically counted in your takings for that day.


The Balance total at the bottom of your payment types will be Green if the Actual amount matches the Expected or Red if the amounts do not match.


Your Expected Cash figure will always take into account your Closing Float from the previous day.

Using a PhorestPay Card Terminal?

If you are using a PhorestPay Card Terminal, your Debit and Credit cashup amounts (both Actual and Expected) will always be 0.00.

You do not need to count your takings on your Card Terminal for the day because it is integrated with your Phorest system.

Instead, you will see your total PhorestPay takings broken down below your other payment types.

Closing Float

Your Closing Float is the amount of cash you choose to leave in your cash register/till at the end of the day. Enter your Closing Float, and the remainder of your cash will automatically be moved to Cash to Bank (i.e., the amount you take out of your register and bring to your safe/bank).

Click Save to complete your cash up and generate your Cash Up Report.


Your Cash Up Report

The daily Cash Up report will then automatically be displayed. You can print this either on the receipt printer, an A4 printer, or a PDF.  Close the page by clicking on the Close button to be returned to the main cash up screen.  


Note: Online booking deposits and In-House deposits paid through PhorestPay are not counted towards the All Visits (#Of Clients) total.

On the main Cash Up screen, if you want to combine a wider date range into one Cash Up report, then you should tap the Date Range Report button


You can also cash up on your iPhone or iPad using Phorest Go. If a staff member does not manually cash up each evening, Phorest will perform an automated cash up, which you can amend later.

Cashing Up Multiple Times in One Day

The regular Cash Up automatically runs from midnight to midnight (24 hours), so there is no need to stop your cash up manually. If you wish to run multiple cash ups throughout your day, click here for information on how to use the Advanced Cash Up feature.

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