How do I refund or partially refund a Gift Card/Voucher?

This article will show you how to process a refund of a gift card/voucher for a client.

Fully Refunding a Gift Card that was Sold In-House

Find the original transaction under ManagerSales, then press the Void button. The gift card will be removed in Phorest, and the original sale will be reversed.

If the client paid for their gift card using your PhorestPay Card Terminal, the amount will be fully refunded to the original card automatically in up to 5-10 business days.

If you don't see the Void button, use the Undo button instead, and you'll get the same result.

Partially Refunding a Gift Card that was Sold In-House

Go to Manager > Sales, then use the filters at the top of the screen to find the gift card sale.

Single-click the sale, then click the Refund button.


Select the staff member whose name you wish to process the refund under, then select Gift Cards/Vouchers


Select Refill Gift Card/Top Up Voucher, then double-click the client's gift card on the next screen.


Enter the amount you wish to refund, then make sure to click the - button in order to change this to a refund value, and then click OK.

It is important to press the - symbol after entering the refund value amount. If you do not press the - symbol during this process, you will end up adding more money to the client's Gift Card.


Complete the transaction by clicking the Pay button, selecting the payment method you wish to use for the refund, and clicking Pay again to finish.

Refunding a Gift Card that was Sold Online

If you sold the gift card online, find the original transaction under ManagerSales, then press the Void button. The gift card will be removed in Phorest, and the original sale amount will be refunded to the card the client used in the original purchase in up to 5-10 business days.

If you don't see the Void button, use the Undo button instead, and you'll get the same result.

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