How do I schedule an end of day report to myself via SMS? (Owner SMS feature)

This article will show you how to enable the Owner SMS feature which, when enabled, allows you to receive a financial summary report via SMS at the end of each day, week or month.

Go to Manager > Reports > Additional ReportsOwner SMS.


Click the checkbox beside Owner Text to enable the SMS, then choose the frequency at which you'd like to receive the SMS (Daily, Weekly, or Monthly) from the dropdown.

Specify the time you would like to receive the SMS to be sent on the following day at your specified time, or check the Send SMS on same day at 21.55 option to receive the SMS on the same day instead at 9:55pm. 

Enter the phone number you'd like to receive the SMS to, then click Save to finish.


The Owner SMS contains much of the same information as the Financial Totals report.

Note: SMS are charged at your standard rate.

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