How do I take a tip on my PhorestPay Card Terminal?

This article will show you how tips are processed on your PhorestPay Terminal.

This article is relevant for businesses using PhorestPay through Stripe.

Processing a Tip

After you have your PhorestPay Card Terminal set up, process a sale using the Debit or Credit payment types.


After pressing Pay, your PhorestPay Terminal will automatically light up with the sale Subtotal along with options for the client to choose as a tip.


After choosing the tip amount, the final total amount will be displayed, and the client can then use their card for payment.


Customizing Your Tipping Settings

Click here for more information on how to customize your PhorestPay Card Terminal tipping settings.

Splitting a Tip Between Multiple Staff Members

After a tip has been added through the Terminal, you will see an option to Distribute Tip.


Press this if you'd like to split the tip between multiple staff members.


Staff tip totals will automatically appear on your end-of-day Cash Up Report. You can also check the total tips earned by a staff member in any given date range using the Staff Tips report.

Financial Totals & Cash Up/End of Day

Financial Totals

Tips will appear on your Finance dashboard under Manager > Reports under the Financial Totals header. The figure will appear as a negative number, as this is not revenue for the business.

When paying your staff their tips, you can use the Staff Tips report to see how much each staff member has earned in tips for any given date range.

Cash Up/End of Day

Tips will also be displayed in your end-of-day Cash Up Report after you complete a Cash Up.


If you prefer your tips to be automatically deducted from your Cash to Bank total, you can set this by going to ManagerSettingsPoint of Sale > Set Deduct Tips Total to Yes, then click Save.


Tips will then automatically be deducted from your Cash to Bank amount on your Cash Up Report.


Reporting on Tips

For information on running a staff tips report, click here.

Sending Tips Directly to Staff Bank Accounts

If you're interested in staff tips being sent directly to their own bank accounts, click here for more information on PhorestTips.

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