How do I take a split payment with my PhorestPay Card Terminal?

This article will show you how you can split a payment between two cards using your PhorestPay Card Terminal.

The information in this article is relevant to businesses using PhorestPay.

To split a payment, click Card and enter the amount you want to take from the first card.


Next, click the down arrow on the Card payment type, click Create Split Payment, and enter the amount you want to take on the second card.


Repeat this until you have split the full payment due.

If you want to edit or remove one of the payments, you can do so by clicking the Edit or Remove options beside that payment.

When you are ready for the client to use their cards to complete the payment, click Complete Payment

This button will be grayed out/unclickable until the full Remaining amount has been spread across payment types.

Taking Payment

After clicking Complete Payment, you will see a message onscreen advising you to take payment from the first card.

Click OK, then take the payment on your PhorestPay Card Terminal.

Once the first payment is captured, a message will appear onscreen again advising to take payment from the second card.

Click OK, take the payment on your Card Terminal, and repeat this until all payments are captured.

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