This article shows how to create a package with multiple services or a choice of services.

Packages enable clients to easily book multiple services together.

Creating a Package

Click on Manager Packages > Click the New Package button to start.

Build your package

Enter a Package name. Click the Add Service button, select a category and choose the service.

Enter the Price and click Done when ready.

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Click the Set levels button to add different price levels for staff categories (optional). 

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Click Add another option to include additional services for the package and set specific price levels for staff categories (optional).

Package details

Select the Service Category for this package.

To make the package for a group booking, enter the number of Clients per package. See How do I create a multi-person Package for group bookings?

The Total price defaults to the sum of the services added. If you change it, the price of each service is automatically adjusted in the Build your package section.

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Booking online

Turn on the This package can be booked online toggle to allow clients to book the package through your online booking site.

To ensure clients can only choose staff members qualified to provide the service, select an option from the Primary service for qualified staff dropdown menu. Learn more about the Primary service feature.

Enter an Online description explaining the package details.

Services will follow the same Room/Machine assignment they would usually have when booked alone. For more information on assigning Rooms/Machines to Services, check out this guide.

Note: These settings can all be edited later if needed, so if you're practising creating a package then don't allow it to be booked online initially. You can then test booking it in your calendar yourself, and enable online booking later once you're ready. 

Click the Save changes button when you're finished.

How Choices Look in Online Booking

When clients go to book a Package with choices online, here's how it will look:


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