- Overview of the TreatCard
- How do I order new TreatCards?
- How do I set up TreatCard Rewards?
- How do I set the TreatCard points awarded for an individual Service or Product?
- How do I give a TreatCard to a new client?
- How does a client redeem a TreatCard Treat/reward?
- How do I set up a referral system with my TreatCards?
- How do TreatCard rewards affect staff reporting?
- How do I see a clients TreatCard points in Phorest Go?
- How do I disable the TreatCard Matrix setting for an individual client?
- How do I manually add/remove points to a client's TreatCard?
- How do I enable/disable the Scan TreatCard Prompt?
- Do clients get TreatCard points when buying a Course/Series?
- How do I adjust the amount of TreatCard points awarded for a salon selfie?
- How do I search for a client using their TreatCard number?
- Can two clients use the same TreatCard?
- How do I manually add a TreatCard to a client's Client Card?