How do I disable the TreatCard Matrix setting for an individual client?

This article will show you how to disable the Matrix setting for a client. This can be useful when you still want to reward clients with Treats but know they aren't going to try something new.

What is the Matrix Setting?

The TreatCard Matrix setting controls which services or products clients can redeem as rewards.

When enabled, clients can only redeem services or products as a reward if they haven't had them before.

When disabled, they can redeem any service or product, regardless of whether they've had it before or not. Keeping this setting enabled encourages clients to explore new experiences, potentially increasing revenue by fostering repeat business.

Disabling the Matrix Setting for a Specific Client

Go to Clients > Click on a client to open their profile > TreatCard. Uncheck the Matrix enabled setting and click Save.

This client will now be able to redeem any available TreatCard Rewards, regardless of whether they have received that Service or Product in the past.

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