This article will show you how to keep an online booking deposit and/or charge a cancellation fee if your client cancels their appointment.

This feature is available to businesses using PhorestPay through Stripe.

When a client has:

You can decide to keep the booking deposit and/or charge the client a cancellation fee if the client cancels their appointment.

Video Walkthrough

Note: You may need to restart Phorest to see this feature.

How to Process a Cancellation Charge

Single-click the appointment on your Appointments screen > Click Remove > Click Cancellation.


Next, click Cancellation Charge


If there is more than one service in the appointment, you will be prompted to choose which services to cancel. Appointment deposits are attached individually to services, so, if the client is only cancelling one/some service(s), you can choose to only cancel one service and keep the deposit/charge a Cancellation Charge for just that service if you want to.

If the booking is outside of your set Cancellation Period, you will receive a prompt to let you know. To continue, click Yes.


Choose the amount you wish to charge. You can choose No charge to only keep the deposit paid and nothing extra, you can choose to charge the remaining amount of the appointment, or you can charge a custom amount.

Finally, enter a Cancellation reason (this will be recorded as a note on the client's Service History as a past appointment note) then click Apply Cancellation Charge.


Note: You may need to restart Phorest to see this feature.

Client Receipt

Your client will receive a receipt by email, provided you have their email saved on their Client Card. The receipt will include the amount charged for the cancellation and the deposit amount paid originally when the appointment was booked.


If you wish to print a paper receipt, you can do this by going to Manager > SalesSingle-click on the transaction > Receipt > Print.

Reporting & Cash Up

Cancellation Charges will appear as a value under Sales in Manager > Reports > Finance.


They will also show on the legacy Financial Totals report (adding to the PhorestPay Credit payment type total) and on your Sales Transactions report as a Cancellation Charge.

Cancellation Charges will not count toward your daily Cash Up totals.

Staff Commission

Commission is not given to staff for a Cancellation Charge, as staff commission is only calculated on services performed.

Refunding a Cancellation Charge

You can refund a Cancellation Charge by going to Manager > Sales > single-click the transaction > Refund. If you wish to refund back to the original card, choose the PhorestPay payment method when refunding.

How do I process a Cancellation Charge on PhorestGo? 

The same process applies on PhorestGo, regardless of whether an appointment is canceled late or a customer doesn't show for their appointment.

Open the appointment. In the appointment window, tap on More options and then on Cancel appointment.

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If it is a series of appointments, these will be displayed. If you only want to delete the current appointment, click on Cancel appointment.

In the next window, enter the reason for cancellation, just as you would for appointments without a deposit. The reason you enter here will be noted in the service history.

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If you have a saved card, Phorest offers you the option of collecting a further amount in addition to the deposit.  Without a saved card, you only have the option of withholding the deposit.

You will see four separate cancellation options:

  • Refund the booking deposit
  • Apply no additional charge but retain the booking deposit
  • Keep the deposit and apply a custom charge
  • Keep the deposit and charge the remaining fee

Enter the cancellation option of your choosing.


Enter your chosen fee and select Cancel appointment and charge

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Other FAQs

Is the initial storing of the client's card details secure?

PhorestPay payments are Powered by Stripe, who have the very highest security and Level 1 PCI Compliance. Neither you, your staff, or Phorest staff has access to the raw card details at any stage.

Can I charge a client who cancels their own appointment online?

Clients can only cancel their appointment online provided the cancellation adheres to your Cancellation Period. In this case, you will not be able to charge them. If they have paid a deposit, the deposit will be refunded automatically in 5-10 business days.

'Valid Card for this Payment' error.


If you're trying to process a Cancellation Charge and are getting this error, this means there is no stored card on the Client Card, and therefore you cannot process a Cancellation Charge. This happens if you did not choose to save the client's card details when taking the in-house deposit or you have deleted the stored card from the client's Client Card.

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