How can I change a client's Online Booking deposit into credit on their account for future use?

This article will show you how you can change a client's Online Booking deposit into credit on their account for use in a future appointment or future purchase.

The information in this article applies to businesses using PhorestPay through Stripe.

Finding the Original Deposit Sale

Go to ManagerSales, then navigate to the date of the original sale and click on it to confirm that it is the original online booking deposit payment.

Next, click Refund and select a staff member.

Adding a Deposit to the Sale

On the next screen, click Outstanding Balance to add a deposit to the sale, then enter an amount equal to the original online booking deposit.

If a client already has some money on deposit, this button will say $.. on Deposit instead of 'Oustanding Balance'. Click it anyway to add a deposit.

Click PayComplete Payment.

The deposit will now be removed from the appointment and added to the client's Wallet on their profile for future use. 

Multiple Deposits

If the appointment included multiple services and you only want to change some of the deposits into credit for future use, click the deposit price on the Purchase screen to adjust the amount you wish to refund as credit.

The remaining deposit amount will stay attached to the appointment.

Removing the Appointment

If you need to cancel/delete the appointment after changing the deposit to credit, single-click the appointment on your calendar, then click Remove.

Using the Deposit in a Future Sale

The next time the client goes to pay for something, you will see their deposit amount displayed on screen. 

To use the deposit in a sale, use the Account payment type.

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