Sales report broken down by Services, Courses, Products and Non-Revenue Sales along with Financial totals for these sales.

 Where to find this Report

This report can be found under Manager > Reports > Additional Reports > Financials

The Sales by Category report is broken down into 6 different sections


In the Services section, you'll see the number of services sold from each service category, as well as the Net amount (excluding tax), Tax amount, the Total/Gross amount (including tax) and the % of each category from the overall sales total, which helps to give a good indication of your most popular service categories.

The * Open Sales information refers to sales that were processed as Open Sales.

The * Reward information refers to sales that were processed as TreatCard Rewards.

Series/Courses Sold

Here you'll see information on your series/course sales, broken down by service category.

Products Sold

Here you'll see information on your product sales, broken down by service category.

Custom Fees

If you are using Custom Fees, you'll see information on each custom fee sold.

Non-Revenue Sales

Here you'll find a breakdown of your gift cards/vouchers sold and topped up, along with the total number of deposits paid.

Total Deposits Received only includes deposits paid directly into the Client Card or deposits paid directly toward an appointment using this method. The number does not include online booking deposits, or deposits paid through PhorestPay.

Total Banked: Cashbook & Payment Types


Under Cashbook, you'll see a breakdown of your Sales and Non-Revenue Sales. The Total Banked will be the sum of all the numbers above it, i.e. all positive numbers added together, subtracted by all negative numbers/numbers with a minus value.

Payment Types

Here you'll see the sum of all payment types used.

Difference Between Cashbook and Payment Types Total

No Show payments and Cancellation Charges processed through PhorestPay currently do not show in your Cashbook total. If you notice a difference in Total Banked between your Cashbook and Payment Types, go to Manager > Reports > Finance tab, expand on the Sales area and check your No Shows total and Cancellation Charge total to confirm that it matches the difference.

If you're looking for a more detailed export of each sales transaction, check out our guide on how to export all purchase transaction information in CSV format.

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