What changes are in the latest version of Phorest? (Version Changelog)

Latest Version (8.4.59)

Release Date: July 2nd, 2024

What's Included

  Download the latest version of Phorest here

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Previous Versions


Release Date: April 3rd, 2024

What's Included

  • Fixed a scrolling issue on the Appointments screen, where the page would sometimes jump when attempting to scroll using a trackpad or scrolling gestures on an Apple Magic Mouse.

Release Date: March 12th, 2024

What's Included

  • Additional support added for Arabic language > Arabic is now supported on A4 receipts.
  • The 'Uploads' section in Premium Consultation Forms now supports a broader range of document formats, where previously only images were supported.

Release Date: March 4th, 2024

What's Included

  • During a sale, the Cancel button is now disabled for PhorestPay transactions as soon as payment has been authorized on the PhorestPay Card Terminal, ensuring successful payment completion. Additionally, pressing the Esc key now cancels active payments, whereas previously, the ESC key only closed the active payment popup window. The Esc key is also disabled in this instance once a payment has been authorized on the PhorestPay Card Terminal. 

Release Date: November 3rd, 2023

What's Included

  • New functionality with tipping when using Cardless Checkout/a client's stored card through PhorestPay.
  • Tips through PhorestPay, where deposits and/or split card payments are involved, are now calculated on the sale total amount rather than the remaining amount.
  • Fixed issue with refunds for some PhorestPay sales containing multiple payment types, including credit card type.
  • When both a Client Category discount and a Special Offer discount are present in a sale, the highest effective discount will now be chosen.
  • Fixed issue with Datev exports that occurred when export included contained PhorestPay deposit refunds.

Release Date: September 4th, 2023

What's Included

  • Added Memberships functionality to PhorestPay with Stripe (North America only - Other regions to be included in future development).


Release Date: August 22nd, 2023

What's Included

  • Tax rates can now be applied to Custom Fees.

  • Custom Fees can now be limited to specific services.
  • Resolved issue where deposit sometimes wasn't subtracted from sale after removing deposit line item.
  • Resolved issue where deposit sometimes disappeared after converting services to series/courses.

Release Date: July 19th, 2023

What's Included

  • Resolved issue with new browser-based screens where users were automatically logged out when using a touchscreen on a Windows device, where the auto-logout timer wasn’t being reset correctly in some circumstances.


Release Date: June 26th, 2023

What's Included


Release Date: May 15th, 2023

What's Included

  • Removed the ability to enter a negative sundry amount for accounts with sundry types enabled.


Release Date: April 18th, 2023

What's Included

  • Fixed issue where PhorestPay Card Terminal was prompting for tips on retail-only sales that were not eligible for a tip. (PhorestPay through Bancard - USA Only).
  • Allow Payment Type window to appear on Purchase screen for 0.00 value sales in order to allow refunding tips (functionality was already enabled in US & Canada, but is now enabled in all other regions using Tips).
  • Additional German translations.
  • Additional Finnish translations.
  • Additional Dutch translations.
  • Changes to Fiskal Trust/TSE Zero receipt prompt.

Release Date: March 15th, 2023

What's Included

  • Resolved issue where payment modal window would remain 'stuck' on-screen.

Release Date: March 6th, 2023.

What's Included


Release Date: February 28th, 2023

What's Included

  • Additional Spanish language translations.
  • Additional Dutch language translations.

Release Date: February 7th, 2023

What's Included

  • Updated some payment error translations.
  • Feature flag added to Purchase screen to allow for the rollout of further updates.
  • Updated CTA URL on Inventory Count/Stock Takes.
  • Updated CTA URL under Contact Support > Remote Login.
  • Updated cookie consent screen for Ad Manager.

Release Date: January 10th, 2023

What's Included

  • Improved error message with PhorestPay Card Terminal errors.
  • Adjusted Stripe server-driven terminal flow timeout duration.
  • Applied error translations for PhorestPay Card Terminal offline, time-out, and terminal busy errors.
  • A new tab has been added in Manager > Business > Chart of Accounts, which allows configuring Tip accounts per User.
  • Save Card Details option with PhorestPay Virtual Terminal is now unchecked by default for businesses in all regions using PhorestPay, except North America, where it is checked by default.
  • Phorest will now display information to businesses in Canada to mention that Interac cards cannot be stored.
  • Improved No Show modal dialog response for computers with slower CPUs.

Release Date: November 30th, 2022

What's Included

  • Resolved issue where PhorestPay deposit payments were sometimes displayed twice on the Sales screen.
  • Improvements to PhorestPay Card Terminal payment cancellation from Phorest GUI.

Release Date: November 15th, 2022

What's Included

To download the latest version of Phorest, click here.

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