How do I give clients an automatic discount using a Client Category?

This article shows how to automatically apply a discount for specific clients a the time of purchase.

Creating a New Client Category

Go to Manager > Categories > Client Categories, then click the Add button to create a new client category.


Enter a NAME and DESCRIPTION (optional). Set the amount for the Services discount and/or Retails discount for clients in this category. Then, select from the dropdown menu whether the discount is a percentage or a specific amount (currency symbol).

Once you're happy with your settings, click Save.


Assigning a Client to the Category

Go to Clients > Open a client's profile.

Under Basic information, scroll down to the Client Settings section > Select one or multiple categories in the Client Category dropdown menu.


This client will now automatically receive the discounts assigned to their client's category whenever they make a purchase.

Client category discounts will not apply to any deposits paid online.

Reporting on Discounts

You can run Discounts and Special Offers report for information on discount usage.

You can also run a Sales Transactions report and use the Client Category filter to see a full list of transactions where a Client Category discount was applied.

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