This article will show you how to add tips when checking out a client.

When processing a sale on the Purchase screen, choose the Tip payment type to add a tip to the sale.

Adding a Tip on Phorest Desktop


Note: If you do not see the Tip button, please log a ticket over to our Support team who will enable the button for you.

Use the dropdown box to choose whether it will be a tip Amount or tip Percentage.

A percentage tip will add a percentage tip based on the Total bill amount.



Enter the amount/percentage and click OK. Choose the Payment Type (Cash, Credit, Debit, etc.) that the client will be paying by. This will then add the tip to the total amount of the sale.

Adding a Tip for Multiple Staff in One Sale

If the client wants to tip multiple staff in one transaction, this can be done in two ways

Using the 'Add a Tip' Button


Clicking the Add a Tip button and adding a tip where there is more than one staff member in the sale (e.g. one staff member for one service and another staff member for another service) will automatically result in the tip being divided between all staff based on the % amount that the staff member attributes to the total sale amount.

For example, Jane is the staff performing Service A, priced at $25. Rebecca is the staff performing Service B, priced at $75. The client tips $20. In this scenario, Jane's service total equals 25% of the sale total, whereas Rebecca equals 75%, so Jane would get 25% of the $20 tip, and Rebecca would get 75%.

Using the Staff Tip Button


The staff tip button will allow you to enter a tip amount for each staff member individually.


Adding a Tip on Phorest Go (mobile)

When processing a sale, use the Tips button at the top of the payment options to add a Tip to the sale.


Taking a Tip on Your PhorestPay Card Terminal

Click here for a guide on how to take a tip with your PhorestPay Card Terminal.

Taking a Tip Using a Stored Card

Click here for a guide on how to take a tip using a client's stored card.

Financial Totals & Cash Up/End of Day

Financial Totals

Tips will appear on your Finance dashboard under Manager > Reports under the Financial Totals header. The figure will appear as a negative number, as this is not revenue for the business.

When paying your staff their tips, you can use the Staff Tips report to see how much each staff member has earned in tips for any given date range.

Cash Up/End of Day

Tips will also be displayed in your end-of-day Cash Up Report after you complete a Cash Up.


If you prefer your tips to be automatically deducted from your Cash to Bank total, you can set this by going to ManagerSettingsPoint of Sale > Set Deduct Tips Total to Yes, then click Save.


Tips will then automatically be deducted from your Cash to Bank amount on your Cash Up Report.


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