This article will show you how to add a Custom Fee, such as a Green Salon Collective or Green Circle Salon fee, a PPE charge, etc., to your Phorest system.

 Latest Version of Phorest Required

  • Desktop Version 8.4.47 or above is required. If you're on an older version and need to update, you can get the latest version here on our Downloads page.

Custom Fees can be added to any ticket automatically, which cuts out the manual steps required to add it. You can use custom fees for lots of things, but some of the most common use cases are:

  • Green Salon Collective or Green Circle Fees - for those salons committed to being environmentally friendly
  • PPE Fees - cover the cost of extra protection during COVID


Video Guide

Creating a Custom Fee

To get started, go to Manager > Settings > Financial > Custom Fees, then click Add Custom Fee.


Give your fee a Name, set whether it's a fixed or percentage fee under Fee Type, set the Amount, and set a Tax Rate.

Next, choose whether the fee should be applied automatically to each sale when checking a client out (the fee can easily be removed at the point of sale if necessary) and whether it should only be applied if there is a Service in the transaction, meaning the fee won't apply to retail-only sales.

Applying to Only Some Services

You can choose to create a custom fee that only applies to some services (e.g. a green fee on hair coloring services). To do this, use the Services dropdown menu and select which services the custom fee should apply to.

If no services are selected, the fee will be applied to all services

How Does it Work?

Here's what the fee will look like during a transaction. You can remove it by clicking the X.

and here's how it will look under your Financial Totals report


Applying the Custom Fee Manually at Checkout

If you choose not to Apply automatically, you can add the fee to a sale manually by clicking Hot Keys > Custom Fee


Note: You may need to restart Phorest after creating your Custom Fee in order for it to appear.

Staff Commission

Staff Commission is not calculated on Custom Fees.

Self Employed Staff with PhorestPay

If you have self employed staff with their own PhorestPay accounts, please note that custom fees are always sent to the business PhorestPay account and cannot be routed to the self employed staff member's account.

Click here for more information on self employed staff and PhorestPay.

Staff Tips

Staff tips are not applied to custom fees. For example, if a sale includes a $50 service and a $2 custom fee, and the client leaves a 10% tip, the tip will be based on the $50 service charge only and will not include the custom fee in the calculation.

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